
2-3-13 Osaka International building-28F
Azuchi cho Chuo ku Osaka city 541-0052 Japan.


If you have a car you are thinking of that you want to buy, please contact us by email or telephone.

Used car/CMmanagement

about car parts

● We can help you find

We also have access to any car parts you may need, whether you want extra accessories or simply if your car is missing crucial parts. We can help you find car parts if you need them for the cars you want to buy from us. Once these parts are purchased - we can put them into your car so you don't have to pay shipping for these parts and will receive them together with the car. Japan Partner is one of the few companies, which offer this kind of service.

At the Japanese auto auction we can get any spare parts but some of the more popular requests are for DVD players, navigation systems, sunrooves, stickers, bumpers, wheel hubs, tyres, Thank you and we look forward doing business with you!

Car parts List

The bonnet of the Nissan Nadia.
The bonnet of the Nissan Nadia.
40 US$
Original tire of the Nissan type!
Original tire of the Nissan type!
65 US$
Back door of the Nissan Nadia.
Back door of the Nissan Nadia.
38 US$
The odometer of the Nissan Nadia.
The odometer of the Nissan Nadia.
30 US$
Right door of the Nissan Nadia.
Right door of the Nissan Nadia.
20 US$
Nissan Nadia Tail Right!!
Nissan Nadia Tail Right!!
15 US$
Toyota 16 inches tire 4 tire set.
Toyota 16 inches tire 4 tire set.
110 US$
The used tire. The 16 inches. 4 tire set.
The used tire. The 16 inches. 4 tire set.
5 US$

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CM management
2-3-13 Osaka International building-28F Azuchi cho Chuo ku Osaka city 541-0052 Japan.

TEL +81-6-6282-7321
FAX +81-6-6282-7272
